Americæ pars, nunc Virginia dicta : primum ab Anglis inuenta


SKU: smnc47


Sumtibus Dn. Walteri Raleigh, Equestris ordinis Viri, Anno Dni. MDLXXXV regni Vero Sereniss. nostræ Reginæ Elisabethæ XXVII, hujus vero Historia peculiari Libro descripta est, additis etiam Indigenarum Iconibusautore Ioanne With ; sculptore Theodoro de Brÿ, qui et. excud. White, John, fl. 1585-1593. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Francofurtum ad Mænum] : De Brÿ, [1590] NOTES Scale ca. 1:1,700,000. Has watermark. Oriented with north to the right. Relief shown pictorially and by hachures. Pictorial map. Covers coastal region from Cape Fear to Chesapeake Bay. From Thomas Hariot's A briefe and true report of the new found land of Virginia, 1590.

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